“Savage” murder of a father in Montreal | At least 12 years in prison for Noah Pépin

The 21-year-old man who stabbed and beaten to death a father of six in an “extremely brutal” gang attack two years ago in Montreal was sentenced to life in prison on Friday without the possibility of being released. parole before 12 years. Despite his young age, Noah Pépin is still “far” from being rehabilitated, according to the judge.

Posted on July 30, 2021 at 5:00 p.m.

“Mr. Pépin’s degree of moral guilt is high. […] Even though Mr Pepin was working and studying, the fact that he carried a knife and his involvement in the attack shows that he still has a long way to go towards rehabilitation. This is a case where the emphasis must be placed on denunciation, ”concluded Judge Pierre Labrie.

In mid-July, Noah Pépin was found guilty by a jury of the second degree murder of Giovanni Bucchianico and aggravated assault on Johnny Hachey, the adult son of the victim.

In this case, the defense demanded the imposition of the minimum period of ineligibility of 10 years by insisting on the young age of Noah Pépin. The Crown relied on the many aggravating factors to request a period of 13 or 14 years before parole. The judge thus cut the pear in half.

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This murder of rare brutality occurred on July 20, 2019 in the Villeray district, in Montreal. Beaten up by young men, Johnny Hachey called his father for help. It was in this context that Giovanni Bucchianico arrived, armed with a baseball bat, near a party barbecue where the attackers were.

But according to a video of the assault, Giovanni Bucchianico did not have time to react when he was attacked by a group of young men. There is therefore no question here of self-defense. The father of six was trampled, punched, beaten with a stick and stabbed 14 times. Her son was also severely beaten.

If four or five men took part in the attack, only Noah Pepin remained from start to finish to strike the victim “defenseless and vulnerable”, according to the judge. On the video, we see him beating down on the victim for long seconds. “Mr. Pépin is the main actor in this savage attack. His actions remain extremely violent, brutal and savage, ”the Crown pleaded last week.

The death of Giovanni Bucchianico, the “pillar” of his family, had dramatic consequences for his widow, Suzanne Hachey, and their six children. In a letter read to the court last week, Mr.me Hachey confided living a real “descent into hell”. All the children of the deceased have suffered greatly since this tragedy.

“I have lost all source of happiness. My heart is broken. And it can be forever. Life has completely changed around me, ”she said. A suffering highlighted by Justice Labrie in his decision.

An accomplice of Noah Pépin, Tanvirul Haque, is due to receive his sentence next December. He pleaded guilty to manslaughter. In the video, he is the one who trips the victim and attacks them first.

Me Geneviève Gravel and Me Marie-Claude Bourassa teamed up for the prosecution, while Me Sharon Sandiford defended Noah Pépin.


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