Saturday with two gold

Positive balance for Yucatán in the Nationals

Saturday was also productive for the Yucatecan sport in the Conade National Games, with gold medals the closing of archery and the start of the associated fights.

The morning session of the last day of archery competitions paid good dividends for the Yucatecan delegation, based in Monterrey, Nuevo León, since they won a gold medal and a bronze medal in the team modalities in the 12-13 categories. years and 16-17 years respectively.

In recurve, Andrea Rodríguez Gil and the sisters Lía and Keyla Lugo Romero won the first place medal when they faced the hosts of Nuevo León in the final, who won 5-4 in gold in favor of the Yucatecas. It was a battle with cardiac closure, since until the last arrow they were tied. New Leonese favorites Laura Alanís, Marcela Contreras and Angela Figueroa settled for silver and the Guanajuato representative, formed by Dana Ávila, Yaretzi García and Gadi Rivero, took bronze.

For his part, the representative of the men’s composite bow 16-17 years old was bronze after beating his counterpart from Nuevo León in the competition. Emiliano Ramírez González, Carlos Guzmán Toledo and Jesús Narváez Arias added 224 units, against 223 of the regios.

The beginning of the fight was successful for Yucatán.

The Tizimileño Roger Kantún Ku, in 45 kilos free cadet, won the gold medal, the 25th first place for Yucatan.

In bowling, whose competitions are held in Aguascalientes, Yucatán, he obtained two silver medals, which went to Víctor Eresbey Pérez, in the men’s Under 16, and in pairs, in the Under 16 women’s, with Natalia Moreno Torres and Ivanna Villalobos Erosa.— Gaspar silveira


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