Raphael Varane transfers Manchester United | Spanish League

Raphael Varane hopes to be transferred from Real Madrid this season, taking into account that in 2022 he will be a free agent. The offers of the Spanish club to renew it are not enough, so they will look to sell it, before it leaves the club without leaving a single penny. For this reason, the strategy to sell it is already planned, but with certain conditions.

According to newspaper information The Sun, Manchester United hopes to finalize the signing of the French central defender for a figure close to 70 million dollars. However, the business could include Dutch midfielder Van de Beek.

The player, who recently arrived in England, is interested in the club led by Ancelotti, the idea would be for him to come on loan for one season, with a mandatory purchase for the following summer. The little adaptation of the Dutch to the Premier would be one of the reasons that would bring him closer to Spain.

Real Madrid does not want to let the Frenchman go, but neither does he want the next market to leave for free, so they want to finalize the sale. In addition, United has a competitor, PSG has also haunted the player’s awnings, to sign him this summer.



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