Pınar Karşıyaka does not slow down the transfer! #BasketballCL

Pınar Karşıyaka, one of our Basketball Champions League representatives, strengthened her squad with Burak Can Yıldızlı.

According to the news announced on the club channels, Pınar Karşıyaka, one of the fastest teams of the summer period, signed an official contract with Burak Can Yıldızlı.

In the statement made “27-year-old big forward Burak Can Yıldızlı will sweat the jersey of Pınar Karşıyaka next season!” statements were included.

Burak Can, who grew up with Anadolu Efes infrastructure, also wore the jerseys of Büyükçekmece Basketball, Beşiktaş and Bahçeşehir College.

The 27-year-old striker, who played a total of 35 games for Bahçeşehir last season, stayed on the court for 22.7 minutes per game and scored 6.7 points, 4.9 rebounds and 1.7 assists per game.


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