Opinion on Switzerland-Spain: Fish memory

And the present is Switzerland, which the Red will be measured with the favorite poster marked with iron and fire in the middle of the forehead. It is what is in this football of apriorisms. Now Spain is once again the one with the golden triplet and Switzerland was passing through there. Fish memory works in everything and for everyone And it prevents us from remembering that Spain has not been very good at Helvetians lately. Going to the semifinals would tie Luis Enrique to the armchair of his project, that of revitalizing the national team after chaining disaster after disaster once the inheritance of the good times of Luis Aragonés and Del Bosque.

The present is Switzerland, to which the Red will be measured with the favorite poster marked with iron and fire in the middle of the forehead. It is what is in this football of apriorisms. Now Spain is once again the one with the golden triplet and Switzerland was passing through there

Because yes, because the memory of some fish prevents them from remembering that what was asked after the fiasco of the World Cup in Russia was to look for a new model that had exhausted the tiqui-taca plan. Now, and after just one game, there is already talk of tiqui-casta, a hybrid between the Fury and the Spain of a thousand touches. That today. Tomorrow will be something else. You know, the fish memory. And Monchito’s father home in exchange for three million. Mercury used to sing it: the “chou” must continuer.



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