Olympics 2020: the French plan to fight against the heat

We promise them hell, temperatures flirting with 30 degrees and especially humidity levels around 80%. What to harm the organizations and especially to jeopardize months of preparation. “The more humid the air, the less evaporation of sweat can take place, and the less the body temperature drops”, summarizes Philippe Le Van, doctor at Insep.

The triathlete Cassandre Beaugrand, victim of sunstroke during the test event last August, knows something about it. “The sky was overcast and, at the time of the women’s race, the clouds disappeared,” recalls Benjamin Maze, the national technical director (DTN). “When the sky turns azure blue, the heat is unbearable,” admits Fanny Mevellec, doctor of the French sailing team.

In the tricolor camp, Operation Tokyo was launched a long time ago. At Insep, researchers are looking into the phenomenon, since 2015 the French Triathlon Federation has seconded a person to work on the impact of heat on performance. “We study the data, some suffer more than others, underlines Benjamin Maze, but in extreme conditions, there is a monstrous increase in pulsations. “

“Made in France” refrigerated vests

“We therefore hammer out the messages of vigilance,” explains Philippe Le Van, who will be responsible for the medical service of the French in Tokyo. Athletes must train in the heat and learn to cool their bodies. At Insep, climatic chambers allow you to get in condition. In these 16 square meters rooms, it is possible to train on treadmills by adjusting the temperature and humidity, so as to recreate the conditions of an August in Japan.

The French sailing federation, for its part, unearthed refrigerated vests “made in France”, tested by glassmakers who work in trying heat. They are lighter, easier to use and the international federation should authorize them during Olympic events.

The latter has already revised the thickness of the lycra outfits in order to limit the heat. As during the test event, the organizers plan to increase the quantity of ice cubes available. In triathlon, refueling of teams could be authorized. “This would make it possible to adapt to the needs of each competitor, to also provide for fresh bands”, continues the DTN.

“We are working on what athletes can ingest, on the type of drinks and their temperature, on the frequency of refueling,” explains Dr. Le Van. Inflatable recovery basins, already used in Beijing in 2008, will also be taken to the sites, in particular the canoe-kayak site. This will allow the athlete’s body to cool down very quickly, and will prevent them from having to expend too much energy to do so naturally.

One thing is certain: heat will have an impact on performance. It will therefore be necessary to adapt its strategy, particularly in terms of effort management. “But be careful not to fall into psychosis, warns Benjamin Maze. We have known for a long time that the 2020 Olympics take place in Tokyo, we had time to prepare for it. “


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