Now is the time for Chaim Bloom to pull off his first Boston stunt

The Boston Red Sox have a baseball man who is known to be posed. That’s a great quality and it makes him a respected baseball man in the business.

In fact, this has helped make the Sox what they are today, but more importantly what they will be in the future. He’s building what he believes to be a great long-term team.

But for that, he did not make a splash. No big signature. No big deal (like its predecessor) at the price of high hopes. Long-term work.

That said, it may be time to deviate a bit.

This year, the Sox window is open. They’ve managed to stay at the top of the MLB without Chris Sale. Now they are in a position to buy… and they have to. Smart way, sure, but they have to do it since it’s time.

The 2019 Nationals are a good example. They tried everything two years ago, won the World Series… and now they can’t make the series anymore. Their World Series MVP Stephen Strasburg has been perpetually injured ever since. Once again, his season is over.

The window is therefore open in Boston and Chaim Bloom must take the opportunity to strike a big blow by making a major acquisition.

Whether it’s a Max Scherzer, a Craig Kimbrel and / or an Anthony Rizzo, the Sox need to add a piece to compete with the Rays, Jays and Yankees in the division.

Is the idea to empty the hard system (and at the same time, Bloom’s work)? Truly not. But there are some guys who have to be acquired to solidify the club.

I don’t believe at all in the possibility of seeing Scherzer land in Boston, but the other two big names have chances. However, we will have to give a little to get them.

And in Boston, the time has come to do it. After saving since the start of his tenure, Bloom can switch to GO and claim his due.

Will he do it?

10e some
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