Navigation Immigration Services Calgary, Canada

Canada is a beautiful country with so much to see. From the Atlantic to the Pacific and the Rockies to the Great North, there is so much to experience. Most travelers to Canada require a Temporary Resident Visa (TRV) to enter Canada. If you require a TRV to visit Canada and want to come to Canada for business,leisure or family visit, contact us today for your initial assessment. It is free and there are no obligations.

Immigrating to Canada is a dream of many people in the world. There are many programs to become permanent resident of Canada. Navigation immigration Services will provide you with a free consultation to find a program that fits your situation.

The Parent and Grandparent Super Visa allows the parents and grandparents of Canadian citizens and permanent residents to come to Canada as visitors for a period of up to two consecutive years at a time without having to renew their status.

The visa can remain valid for up to 10 years or till validity of passport, allowing for re-entry during this period of time.

The Super Visa presents older generations of a family to visit loved ones in Canada for an extended period without work rights.

Parents and Grandparents of Canadian citizens and permanent residents may be eligible to apply for the Super Visa if they meet all the requirements. Process for Super Visa is same as Visitor Visa, but child or grandchild need to meet LICO to demonstrate financial stability. For more information please contact us.

Canada Study VisaI’m a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It’s e Canada is increasingly becoming a destination of choice for foreign students. Our colleges and universities are receiving more and more international students every year. If you want to study in Canada, our firm can assess your situation, determine what kind of documentation you need, and help you apply for it. Contact us today for your initial assessment. It is free and there are no obligations. asy.

Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program (AINP) – Canada The Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program (AINP) is basically a separate Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) allowing the province to duly offer nomination to aspirants on the basis of their specific expertise and skills to migrate and stay on its soils.

The involved governing organization responsible for the nominee program, and the yearly immigration share required to positively address the province’s immigration specific requirements is the Alberta Ministry of Employment and Immigration.

The Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program (AINP) is an economic immigration program operated by the Government of Alberta with the Government of Canada’s department of Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC).

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