Mikkel Damsgaard goal in England vs. Denmark LIVE: midfielder shone with a free kick goal for 1-0 at Euro 2021 | VIDEO | NCZD | FOOTBALL-INTERNATIONAL

Mikkel Damsgaard shone with a brilliant definition and advanced to the ‘Red Dynamite’ against England, in the key of the semifinals of the Eurocopa. In this way, he also ends Pickford’s undefeated arc at Euro 2021 and was unable to do anything to prevent it in the face of excellent execution.

This goal happened at 30 ′ of the first half, the midfielder perfectly executed the free kick in favor of Denmark to surprise in the framework of the semifinal against England. Damsgaard is a find by coach Kasper Hjulmand to rebuild the offensive game in the absence of Eriksen.

We will expand shortly …



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