“Medal to a terrorist”: the case breaks out at the Olympics

The Tokyo Olympics were shaken by the controversy surrounding the awarding of a gold medal to “a terrorist“The contested prize is the one won by the 41-year-old Iranian athlete Javad Foroughi, who triumphed last Saturday in the 10-meter air pistol final shooting, dedicating his sporting success, as reported Alarabya, to Ayatollah Khamenei. However, this victory is strongly contested by shooters from other countries and by humanitarian NGOs because they accuse Foroughi of belonging to a terrorist organization.

The 41-year-old, who served in Syria as a nurse between 2013 and 2015, is in fact accused of being a member of the Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC), that is, of a military formation in Tehran inserted by the US, in 2019, precisely in the list of terrorist groups. Consequently, the pasdaran Foroughi – protesters argue – should not even have participated in the Olympics, as the aims and bloodthirsty activities of the aforementioned Iranian militia are incompatible with the values ​​of sport.

To start the controversy regarding the participation and victory of the 41-year-old was, reconstructs the Corriere dello Sport, South Korean shooter Jin Jong-oh, winner of silver in Beijing 2008 and gold in London 2012 but eliminated in qualifying for Tokyo 2020, who thundered: “How can a terrorist win Olympic gold? It is absurd and ridiculous“. The human rights NGO United for Navid, born in memory of the fighting champion Navid Afkari, executed by the authorities of the Islamic country for having protested against the republic, contributed to strengthening the disputes about the medal won by the Iranian athlete. of the ayatollahs. The representatives of the association in question addressed the following harsh words to the International Olympic Committee (IOC), regarding the decision of this institution to have admitted the “terrorist“Foroughi at the five circles tournament and to have rewarded him:”Consider awarding the Olympic gold medal to Javad Foroughi one catastrophe not only for Iranian sport but also for the international community, and above all for the reputation of the IOC. Foroughi has long been a member of a terrorist organization. 41-year-old Foroughi is a current and longtime member of a terrorist organization. The Guardians of the Revolution have a history of violence and killing not only of Iranian people and protesters, but also of innocent people in Syria, Iraq and Lebanon“.

The IOC immediately reacted to the accusations launched by United for Navid activists by inviting them to demonstrate the actual belonging to the pasdaran of the Iranian shooter indicted, with Mark Adams, spokesman of the same committee, who addressed the former stating precisely: “It’s a no-brainer prove, we are here“However, it is the Tehran press itself that claims, from the website’s homepage Javan, the shooter’s membership in the Guardians of the Revolution, celebrating Foroughi’s triumph with phrases like “an unexpected medal … won by a guard nurse who is both health and sanctuary defender“.


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