Luis Basabe will be the central fielder of the Eagles

A few hours after confirming the change that led Luis Basabe de Leones to Águilas, the rapacious management made clear the plan they have for the outfielder.

“Basabe will be our CF … He has experience in the Major Leagues, he gives us a plus with his good defense,” Amaro said in a statement shared by the team’s press department.

“He is a hitter who can hit with both hands, playing at the Luis Aparicio stadium as we want, he could take advantage of the alleys to give extra-base hits because of his speed,” added the manager.

Basabe, 24, made his MLB debut in the 2020 season with the San Francisco Giants. But it is currently on assignment.

The rapacious directive does not rule out that he may see action in the minors before joining the Zulianos.

Also read: Eduardo Paredes will join the Lions

Among other things, Amaro took the opportunity to flatter reliever Eduardo Paredes, who will now be part of the hairy bullpen.

“We are happy with the change, we thank Eduardo Paredes very much, he was a very useful reliever for us,” he said.


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