“Lightning” star Kucherov will earn a contract with a brewer after an epic press conference



Nikita Kucherov Photo: “The Hockey News”

The American beer brand Bud Light has announced the conclusion of a cooperation agreement with Nikita Kucherov, the winner of the Stanley Cup as a member of Tampabeja “Lightning”.

It has already been reported that on July 8, “Lightning” triumphed in the Stanley Cup for the second time in a row, beating Montreal’s “Canadiens” 1: 0 in the final game. At the post-match press conference, the winning star, Kucherov, was in a high mood. The always talkative Russian hockey player came to the event with a Bud Light beer can and no t-shirt, joked with the gathered journalists and criticized the fans of the opposing team.

Representatives of the beer brand reacted promptly to this situation by offering a contract to the league. “He may not have a t-shirt, but now he has a contract with us. Welcome to the team, Kuch. There will be no press conferences, “Bud Light said in a statement.

“I didn’t want to return to Montreal,” Kucherov said. “In the previous game, their fans behaved as if they had won the Stanley Cup. Are you kidding Their finale was already a series against the Golden Knights. ” This was followed by a question from the journalist, which Kucherov could not clearly hear, so the player advised the journalist to buy a new microphone. “What did you say? Buy a new microphone, ”replied the Russian hockey player in a cheerful mood.

Later, one of the media asked the closing question at a press conference, and again Kucher introduced the answer with fun. “There are a lot of questions today. I’m used to one or two questions, but today they are probably five? I have set a record. The fans were loud and incredible today. Winning in front of them is very special. Everyone will remember this moment forever. Our fans are the best. ”

Also for the second year in a row, the most successful player of the Stanley Cup became the star of the Tampa Bay team Nikita Kucherov, who scored 32 (8 + 24) performance points in 23 matches. Lightning has become one of the few teams to have won the Stanley Cup for two years in a row. In the finals of the 2019/2020 season elimination games, Lightning beat Dallas “Stars” 4-2 in the series, for the second time in the history of the club and for the first time since 2004 to raise the champions’ cup overhead. The last time this was done in 2016 and 2017 was by the Pittsburgh Penguins.


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