Jupiler Pro League: only two referees miss physical tests for next season

Wesley Alen, who officiates in Jupiler Pro League, and Raf Eerdekens, who referees in D1 Pro League, did not pass the physical tests, but will still have the possibility to pass them on August 24.

Wesley Alen, 30, has been semi-pro for 3 seasons. This Limburger has refereed in the Jupiler Pro League since August 2017. Raf Eerdekens, also from Limburg, is playing as an assistant in D1B.

This course organized by the Professional Refereeing Department of the Belgian Football Federation brings together referees active in Jupiler Pro League and 1B Pro League in Tubize. They took their physical and theoretical tests on Monday.

“All the referees and assistant referees present passed the theoretical part. As for the physical tests, they were successful for everyone except Wesley Alen (referee in Jupiler Pro League) and Raf Eerdekens (assistant referee in 1B Pro League) “, communicated the Belgian Union. “These two match officials will have the opportunity to take them again on Tuesday, August 24. These two tests (physical as well as theoretical) must necessarily be passed in order to be able to referee in our professional football.”


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