“I’ve already done 28 days, I can continue without problem”: a short break in Paris for Anne Hidalgo’s son in his swim across the Seine

The cries of encouragement, honking and applause from his loved ones prompted him to turn on the turbo. A few meters from the finish at the Pont de l’Arsenal, Arthur Germain nevertheless took the time to greet, not once, but twice his cheering crowd. Arrived at the drop-off point, the barge Le Marcounet on Quai Henri IV, around fifty people, including his mother Anne Hidalgo, were waiting for him on dry land, all impatient and full of emotions. The little blond head comes out of the water, all smiles and all wet, hastens to embrace those close to him.

Arthur Germain has already covered more than 360 kilometers since his departure on June 6 from the source of the Seine, in Côte d’Or. He wanted to take an almost symbolic break in his hometown. “When I was a kid and I had moments of my own, I spent them on the banks of the Seine. I have always dreamed of swimming in Paris ”he declared, very moved. A dream that is the dream of many swimmers but certainly not of all Parisians. According to an Ifop study carried out at the end of May on this occasion, 70% of French people have a bad image of the Seine and only 12% would like to bathe in it. However, the swimmer made it clear: “there is obviously waste that follows the course of the river. I analyze one water sample per day. The water quality is not that bad. The Seine is not Chernobyl. “

“I admire, but I do not intervene”, Anne Hidalgo

The mayor of Paris, leading the procession on the pontoon to welcome her son, briefly answers questions. As a mother and not a mayor. “I admire but I do not intervene. I accompany him only with the love that I give him ”. She confirmed that she had not put a magic wand on obtaining the mandatory permits to be acquired to cross the city. At a time when swimming in the Seine is a subject, particularly with the Bathing Plan already launched in 2018 which aims to clean up the Seine for the 2024 Olympic Games, this type of operation also accelerates the process of bathing the famous river. Anne Hidalgo was erased a little further during the gathering, looking at her offspring with pride, while the latter spoke on a journey that is close to her heart.

Paris, Saturday July 3, 2021. Anne Hidalgo applauds her son for his arrival in Paris, a stage in his swim across the Seine. © Arnaud Dumontier for Le Parisien ARNAUD DUMONTIER

Pain in my arms and back, but up there everything is fine

A difficult first part of the crossing, but almost liberating. The swimmer encountered some physical difficulties during these 15 kilometers of weekly swimming. Recurrent pains in the arms and in the back but, up there, all is well. “I have already done 28 days, I can continue without problem, assures Arthur Germain. I am happy, I have time to read, to think, to write, I am connected to nature ”. The young eco-adventurer is committed to creating connections and awareness in the minds, and this is what happened a few days earlier during his stop at the lock of Port-à – English (Vitry-sur-Seine).

“There were kids asking questions about the quality of the water, about the reason for my journey,” he explains. They were very interested. I don’t know if the message is getting across, but I see that people are asking questions and that’s a pretty good sign ”. Pierrick, 20, got to know Arthur at the edge of the pool and during many competitions. The young man, who shares the same passion for water, could almost embark on this kind of project: “the protection of the environment is very important to me, so when I see Arthur giving himself for that, I want to to jump in the water too. “

The same evening, Arthur Germain was accommodated by the Civil Protection of the 12th arrondissement of Paris because the bivouac is impossible in Paris. The young swimmer has 24 days left to reach Le Havre, the final destination of his expedition, i.e. over 350 km. There, the support will be even greater and the party even crazier.


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