Italy-England Wembley swarms of flying ants during the final

11 July 2021 – The final of the 2020 European championship, Italy-England, will be played tonight at Wembley. Normally it was the rains that threatened the games during the championship, but for the final the experts reported a different problem. It is about the swarms of flying ants already present in South East England at this time, and that they could fly to Wembley Stadium. It would not be the first time.

Italy-England at Wembley

In recent days, swarms of flying ants have been spotted around London. According to Adam Hart, Gloucestershire science communication professor, the swarms seen in the last few hours around the British capital would be just the beginning. These insects have in fact just entered the period of mating, which will last until September. The expert joked about it like this: “If the calculations are correct, on Sunday at Wembley there could be more than Three Lions on the field and in the whole country”. The Met Office radar images showed countless flying insects in south-east England while the weather forecast looks promising.

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Swarms of flying ants

Flying ant swarms are a recurring problem during the Wimbledon, which is played in June and July, remembers the Guardian. There are also precedents at Wembley: during the 2014 World Cup, Colombian player James Rodríguez took a penalty kick with a huge insect on his arm. In 2007, swarms of insects invaded the field during a baseball game. According to the Met Office in London, it is possible that the final is disturbed by flying ants, given the temperature, which should be around 17 degrees. >> All the news of UrbanPost


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