IN VIDEO | His golf ball struck by lightning a few yards from him!

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A young golfer practicing hitting balls at a driving range in San Antonio, Texas certainly had the fear of his life.

If the day had started under the sun, the weather quickly deteriorated in the afternoon.

Knowing that a thunderstorm was brewing, Tomas Gomez hit one last bullet before leaving … but it was hit hard by lightning.

The spectacular scene was filmed by someone close to the 18-year-old golfer, as it was the last shot of the day.

“I heard the thunder and my instinct was to run. Everything was a blur, ”explained the young man in an interview with KSAT. “It could have hit me… it could have hit any of us.” It was actually quite scary, ”added the young man.

If the event occurred on May 28, the spectacular images began to circulate this week.

No one was injured in the incident and everyone was evacuated to safety.



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