“I follow in my father’s footsteps and go back to my origins”

From father to son. The great passion for electronics led Mattia Masdea to graduate with honors from the “Marconi” industrial technical institute. He defines himself as “a quiet and quite shy boy, but when I feel at ease with someone I pull everything out of me. One thing that characterizes me is order; in fact, everything in my room has its own specific place and bothers me when someone moves something. When I was little I did a lot of sports, I went from Basketball to Karate, from Swimming to Judo and from Soccer to Hip Hop, but I haven’t practiced any for years now. “

“However, I am passionate about video games and more generally about computers, a passion that takes up a lot of my day – he says -. Finally, another great passion that I have had since I was in elementary school is the Scouts, I’ve been doing it for 10 years now. I leave and I am not tired of it yet; I love spending time surrounded by nature, but also taking long and tiring walks. Two years ago, before the pandemic, I ventured into the Via degli Dei and although it was a very demanding journey, I think it was one of the best experiences ever lived “.

Why did you choose electronics?

From an early age I wanted to do what my dad did; in particular I chose the electronic area also because it is the one that comes closest to the use of computers and programming, so what I would be interested in doing when “grown up”.

What is your balance of these 5 years at Itis?

I have found myself very well these 5 years. From the point of view of the study they were quite challenging but not too much; they were also full of activities and outings, I will always remember the beautiful trip to Vienna and former Austrian concentration camps like Mauthausen. An important feature of the school is that of having a large number of laboratories for each articulation; I find that it was very educational to be able to create with your own hands and see with your own eyes the objects of study of theory, even in practice; the only regret, if we can define it that way, is that of not being able to alternate between school and work in companies due to the pandemic.

He is among the ‘stars’ of Marconi, having concluded his career with a lot of praise. Did he expect it?

Honestly, I didn’t expect it, but I hoped for it; since the third, when I discovered that to get the honors it would have been necessary to have the average of 9 in the last three years, to have the necessary credits to reach it, let’s say that I worked a little more in the hope of reaching fifth and maybe be able to catch it.

What were your feelings at the time of the exam?

First of all I would like to say that the evening before the exam it took me two hours to fall asleep, and that the same morning I didn’t eat anything because of the tension; moreover, until the moment before entering the classroom I was quite nervous. When I entered the classroom and started talking, all worries were gone, I was focused on what I had to say and nothing else; in the end it was a great “chat”.

In this period conditioned by the covid, how has the relationship with teachers and classmates changed?

Let’s say that relationships with mates have not changed too much, we were practically together every day, both morning and evening, through various chat programs. It was a bit difficult not to be able to see them, for a long time, live. From the moment we all went back to class together I felt very happy, it seemed to be back to normal; being in fifth grade and not being able to live our last year of school together couldn’t exist. I believe that the relationship with the professors in Dad has deteriorated a little; I think it is very important to be in presence, facing each other, in order to establish a real connection between two people, especially between a boy and an adult.

What are the plans for the future?

What awaits me in the future is unknown, but what is certain is that I want to continue my studies in the field of computer science and for this reason I will go to study Computer Engineering at the Polytechnic of Turin, always to follow in my father’s footsteps; we can also say to go back to the origins, since I was born in Turin.



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