Hofheim: The city has the Sportpark Heide in view

A comprehensive usage concept for a “future-oriented development” of the area is to be worked out with all stakeholders

Hofheim – Something has to happen at the Sportpark Heide. Not only was the local advisory council agreed on this, it also seems to be running open doors to the magistrate. “Everything has already been prepared by us”, Mayor Christian Vogt (CDU) was able to say, in any case, that the city administration has long been keeping an eye on the aging sports area. She has christened the project “Sport Development Plan”.

Before fixed plans, everyone involved is planned, explained Vogt. If you take participation seriously, you know “that this is not possible with Zoom and Co.”, the town hall chief does not see digital meetings as the right kind of advice. If it is now possible to be present again, the city would like to invite everyone to consider what a “future-oriented” development should look like.

“Will cost us a lot”

In tennis, which is booming again in the pandemic, there is already demand for additional courts, Vogt was able to report. It should also be taken into account that the sports park in Heide has the only athletics facility in the entire district town. Not only because of the Federal Youth Games, they will certainly continue to be needed. Sports facilities in this dimension are something special, the mayor made clear. Bringing them up to date “will cost us a lot, and it will not be easy,” he also admitted.

The SPD parliamentary group had submitted the application to the local advisory board to work out a comprehensive usage concept for the entire sports park area with the involvement of the various interest groups. Your representative Tobias Undeutsch said: “If it’s the same direction as the magistrate wants, it’s great.” His parliamentary group colleague Vinzent Weber had previously stated that the sports field was “largely out of date or in need of renovation”. The athletes’ careers are often full of water and the long jump pits are lacking sand.

In addition, the surrounding area should be considered when developing further, said Weber. The times when the basketball facility was used may not be sufficient. The campsite and the adjacent forest paths should also be included in the considerations. There is a first educational trail here that the forest youth set up. That could be expanded. In the past there was also an exercise course. Consideration could be given to making a contemporary offer.

For the CDU in the local council, Kristin Seitz called it a “very good idea to look at the entire area in one place and to work out a usage concept,” as the magistrate is planning. Andreas Nix (CDU) suggested that when the sports park users participate, not just clubs but also interested citizens should be considered and that the meetings should be open to everyone. After all, there is a restaurant, and the sports park is always used for larger events such as the “Sommerschein” festival.

The CDU had previously complained that the gravel path at Sportpark Heide (in the extension of Schlossstrasse) also needs to be renovated. There are deep gullies and potholes here again. Sabine Nix was able to report on a difficult journey with the ambulance on the way to the football field. The local advisory council supported the motion just as unanimously as that of the SPD.

Info: The sports park was inaugurated 45 years ago

The Sportpark Heide is one of the projects that Mayor Friedrich Flaccus (CDU) initiated together with his cultural office manager Adi Schmidt in the 1970s. The sports park was inaugurated in 1976. In addition to the athletics stadium, the heart of the facility, there are also small sports fields for volleyball, handball or ring tennis.

The sports park is also home to FC Marxheim. He was able to inaugurate his new artificial turf pitch in 2017 and also has another soccer field available. The Main-Taunus Redwings have built a baseball facility on the other side of the street with a lot of initiative and use of their own funds, which went into operation in 2010. There is also an indoor tennis court and outdoor courts. The campsite has been run by St. Bonifatius’ scouts since 2015. The hut is used by the forest youth. The Heide sports park has become known far beyond Hofheim for the “Waldgeist” schnitzel restaurant. babs


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