Gesta by Alberto and Ana Belén in Boom leaves Los Libérrimos 2 behind the boat

The contestants faced Los carbonara con nata, who managed to eliminate Héctor and Ana for the final bomb

Yesterday, The Free they faced their more complicated final pump on Boomwell, just Alberto and Ana Belén they got to her. Hector and Ana stayed along the way, who were eliminated during the course of the program. An elimination that could be key.

And is that Alberto and Ana did an excellent job on the final pump and they left Los Libérrimos on the edge of the boat. However, the contestants once again could not overcome a barrier that is getting stuck, since they have already been left with two questions repeatedly.

Alberto Boom
Ana Belén and Alberto left Los Libérrimos 2 behind the boat

The 2 questions that left Alberto and Ana Belén without the Boom boat

On this occasion, Los Libérrimos have faced two deadlock questions that have prevented them from getting the jackpot. The first of the questions asked them for the name of the lapel of the judo kimono by which the athletes grip. A flap that receives the name of eri.

For its part, the second question sought the name of the traditional Armenian soup whose main ingredient is cow’s hooves. A soup called khash. However, and as they later confessed, neither Héctor nor Ana knew the correct answers.

The Libérrimos do not separate the barrier of 13 hits

Again, Los Libérrimos have completed a great final bomb. But they have returned to stay two questions from the award. At the moment, it has become an insurmountable barrier for them, as they have been on the verge of landing the jackpot on several occasions.

The contestants continue, for the moment, without staying just one from the pot. In this way, they will have to continue studying and acquiring knowledge to complete all the questions, since yesterday’s questions were not entirely complicated.


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