DFB: Comment on negotiations with Qatar Airways – cancel immediately! – Soccer

The DFB is looking for a new sponsor – and doesn’t seem to have any qualms about it.

There is no other explanation for the fact that the largest association in the world is talking about a collaboration with the Qatari state airline Qatar Airways.

Qatar, the country that tramples on human rights. In which homosexuals face up to five years imprisonment. That does not recognize Israel and even actively (and financially) supports its enemies.

Where are the DFB’s lofty goals and fine words when it comes to money? Is everything then forgotten?

Of course, the Bavarians can also be endured by the Qataris. For a professional club, especially one that is proud of its Jewish tradition, that is borderline. But with a non-profit association like the German Football Association, every limit has been crossed.

The DFB has to fill its talk about values ​​with deeds. And break off the negotiations immediately!



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