Damian Lillard Heats Lakers Fans White With Insta Post

Week after week, the rumors around a departure of Damian Lillard keep swelling. Among the candidates for a trade, we find in particular the Lakers, very hot about it. And that’s not going to change after the Blazer’s last action on social media …

Author of a huge regular season (nearly 30 points per game), Damian Lillard, however, saw it end prematurely, once again. Eliminated in the first round by the Nuggets, the No. 0 and Portland begin to feel the frustration to win them, to the point where speculation about a separation between the two parties becomes more and more concrete.

What intrigue all the 29 other franchises in the league, and in particular the Lakers, who imagine themselves associating it with LeBron James and Anthony Davis. Originally from California, the idea must have trotted in the head of the guard. And the rumors won’t stop after the guy’s recent post on Instagram:

“Who should I love? And how long? Everyone, always.

The point guard is seen here at the LA Convention Center for a WNBA game. Between the place and the enigmatic message, needless to say that the Angelinos fans must have gone into delirium after the post of Dame DOLLA! However, we can doubt the fact that Lillard also openly shows desire to leave.

Indeed, he has shown countless times that he has exemplary behavior towards the Portland franchise. The phrase “who should I love?” Must therefore refer more to the Oregon fanbase, with which he is currently cold. Unlike the Lakers supporters, who would welcome him with open arms.

His arrival in the City of Angels would in any case allow him to have real chances of obtaining a title, for the first time in his career. Something that is not currently possible for the Blazers, despite a strong enough roster. Despite all his loyalty to Rip City, that prospect may well end up convincing Dame.

More than ever, Damian Lillard seems to be heading towards the Lakers. However, we will have to wait for this to really take place to be sure. After all, everything goes very fast in the NBA, and another franchise could well take the nose and the beard of LeBron & co.


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