Champions of Italy, applause for the baby stars of Staranzano • Il Goriziano

Conquering a youth tricolor title, leaving behind a hundred opposing teams from the noblest squares in baseball, is already an exceptional result. Repeating it again the following year is a feat. Realizing even a set of three is a real miracle for the Under 12 team of Asd Staranzano Ducks baseball. The red and white team has even brought three consecutive league titles to the small town of Bisiacaria with the additional corollary of a further laurel among the Under 15s, in addition to the second place already archived in 2017 before starting the golden row.

A success only achieved by the battleships Nettuno in the 1970s and, more recently, Parma. Today the baby champions were received in the hemicycle of Piazza Oberdan, in Trieste, by the president of the regional council, Piero Mauro Zanin, and by numerous councilors who have given them the deserved recognition for the title won by beating the Torre Pedrera Falcons of Rimini in the final in San Bonifacio (Verona). “The Council – explained Zanin at the beginning of the meeting -, through this simple but significant ceremony, wishes to thank the protagonists of these enterprises”.

“Their commitment has brought satisfaction and prestige to a territory that has always given a lot to baseball and softball, but also to the entire region. I am pleased to note that the tradition is confirmed: compliments go to the boys, obviously, but also to the technicians, the management and the families who followed them in the practice of a very technical, tactical and strategic sport, which is also striking for the strong sense of unity and mutual support “.

The promoter of the event was the regional councilor Diego Moretti who, also citing the other colleagues directly involved in territorial issues (Diego Bernardis, Giuseppe Nicoli and Antonio Calligaris), underlined “the honor and pride given by these athletes to everything the region and beyond to the country of 7 thousand inhabitants where they come from. They surpassed the giants of Emilia Romagna and Lazio and, therefore, deserved the thrill of being in this prestigious location to receive the thanks of the entire Council. These victories will remain in the history of the company and of your personal lives – he concluded – as an example of passion and love for sport “.

Zanin also reminded the very young guests of the significance of the institutional framework that was the scene of the ceremony: “Here the laws are made and here some lines of development and progress for the future are also outlined. The highest legislative assembly of the Region – he remarked – wishes to honor the result you have achieved, the result of so much commitment and passion, but also of the voluntary work of the people who are by your side. You are Italian champions and we all owe you a round of applause“.

The president of the Ducks, Francesco Rizzo, together with pitching coach Claudio Bison collected two seals from the classroom. The two representatives of the company, which has made the youth activity a real spearhead, have for their part highlighted how qthese successes are “the fruit not of the talent of an individual, but of a collective effort that also involves parents and volunteers in the collaboration “, adding that” the three championship rosters have almost always been composed of different elements as evidence of continuity, evolution and ample turnover of talent year after year “.

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