CAN neighborhoods, new playing fields for football gems … and recruiters

The CAN of neighborhoods, new playing fields for <a data-ail="1192783" target="_blank" href="" >football</a> nuggets … and recruiters – archyworldys

Issiaka Kamaté at Inter Milan, Sami Tlemcani at Chelsea … Since the emergence of these popular competitions, several players who shone during an edition have joined professional clubs.

Sami Tlemcani left Paris FC in October 2020 to sign at Chelsea, London.  The capital club had spotted him thanks to his performances in the cages of the Morocco team during the first edition of the CAN of the districts in Aulnay-sous-Bois.
Sami Tlemcani left Paris FC in October 2020 to sign at Chelsea, London. The capital club had spotted him thanks to his performances in the cages of the Morocco team during the first edition of the CAN of the districts in Aulnay-sous-Bois.
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