BVB: Mats Hummels – knee worries! Secret investigation in Munich – Bundesliga

Here world champion Mats Hummels (32) is “unfamiliar” …

Tuesday at 2 p.m. on Säbener Strasse in Munich: Dortmund’s defense chief Mats Hummels (32) leaves the doctor’s practice of Bayern and national team doctor Jochen Hahne (43).

Secret examinations in Munich – knee worries about Hummels!

The look is serious. Hummels wears a black baseball cap, hoodie, shorts and white Adidas sneakers. Obvious: both knees are taped.

Photo: Dennis Brosda

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Hummel’s knee is inflamed againPhoto: Dennis Brosda

BILD knows what’s behind it: The central defender continues to have problems with his right knee. The patellar tendon has inflamed again!

During the preparation of the German national team in Seefeld (May 28th to June 6th) and at the EM itself, the patellar tendon caused him problems from time to time.

The patellar tendon, which attaches to the thigh muscle above the knee, runs over the kneecap and continues to the point of the tibia, is responsible for stretching and bending the knee.

Now it has probably ignited again. Therefore, Hummels had a computer tomography done in Munich. According to BILD information, however, the injury should be treated conservatively.

Hummels will first be flying on vacation in the next few days. In the course of the Dortmund training camp in Bad Ragaz (Switzerland, July 23 to 31), he should then join the team and at least complete part of the team training again.

Anyone who knows the ambitious Hummels knows that he will give everything to be back in the starting line-up at the start of the season against Eintracht Frankfurt (August 14th) at the latest.



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