Burmese badminton champion in turmoil

In recent days, the Burmese badminton champion, Thet Htar Thuzar, has suffered many hateful comments on social networks. A situation that arises from a post written on Facebook, where she describes her joy at being able to represent the Burmese people at the Olympic Games.

It is one of those sad stories, emblematic of what has become of Burma since the coup of February 1: everyone arrogates to themselves the right to speak on behalf of “the Burmese people”, to judge, condemn and execute them. others in the name of “higher values” or in order to defend “human rights”. That their attitude violates these same Human rights constitutes a deep incoherence which does not seem to bother them… It is the online media Coconuts Yangon which tells the story: the Burmese badminton champion Thet Htar Thuzar appears on the list of the 42 participants who will compete for the Olympic singles title in this sport at the Tokyo 2020 Games which will be held … from July 23 to August 8, 2021. The young woman, who has been involved in the world of badminton since her birth – her parents are former top players, his father is a coach – wrote on his Facebook account: “ After many years, my dream had really come true. I will be competing in the Tokyo 2020 Olympics. We can smile for a moment in the midst of a difficult time like this. My success is the success of all the people of Burma».

Social networks: an outlet for hatred

Unfortunately, as the Mila case in France has just recalled, social media now allows those who bark to bark ever louder and judge ever harder. Without any consideration for the right to free will and to private life, a right nevertheless registered as human right by the conventions and charters of the United Nations… Thus, Thet Htar Thuzar finds himself undergoing aggressive and not very pleasant comments on the networks . Words that Coconuts quote: “If you want to go, do it. But don’t speak for people and say you want to make them smile. You do it for yourself and for the public goodWrote a Facebook user named Grace, a pseudonym most likely. ” Personally, I no longer encourage selfish people who do not participate in the civil disobedience movement »Sends Htet Wai Phyo. “You go there for your own sake. It has nothing to do with the people of Burma and you don’t even represent us. So never use us as a stepping stone to your exit if you still have some respect for our fallen heroes.Says Hninn Ei Kyaw.

And a whole series of equivalent comments as the young woman openly participated in demonstrations, taking more risks than the anonymous given her notoriety, and the mass of those giving advice online behind pseudonyms in the name of this same Burmese people do not receive a threatening message about their right to speak for others. In 2013, during the Southeast Asian Games held in Burma, Thet Htar Thuzar was massively applauded when she defended the colors of her country, then under transitional military government. She was 14 years old …

What, despite everything, some Internet users remember: “We may be suffering from difficult times in our country but you make us proud! Let the world know that even in dark times, Burma still has amazing athletes and citizensComments Phone Kyaw Moe Myint. “Je support you. Go in pursuit of your dream. Show them what you are girl», Can we read in another commentary published by Coconuts Yangon.


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