Bundesliga: When it starts ++ How many are allowed to come – DFL allows guest fans – Bundesliga

Good news for all Bundesliga fans: Despite the pandemic, spectators from the visiting teams are allowed in the stadiums in the new season.

That was decided by the 36 professional clubs at their meeting in Frankfurt. Due to the risk of infection when traveling by car or train, this was still questionable despite the fact that the arenas were allowed to open to a maximum of 20,000 fans by politicians.

Now the following applies: From the 3rd matchday onwards, five percent of the permitted ticket quota will go to guest fans. If the restrictions disappear completely at some point, it will be increased to ten percent.

Next decision: It can still be replaced five times instead of only three times as before Corona. In addition, there were sometimes different perspectives in the clubs between the sporting and finance managers, who pointed out additional bonuses.

The topic of 50 + 1 was the most explosive in the run-up to the event. After the Federal Cartel Office had basically approved the investor rule, but criticized the exceptions for the Leverkusen and Wolfsburg factory clubs (wholly owned subsidiaries of Bayer and VW) as well as for the Hopp-Klub Hoffenheim, the DFL Presidium wanted to get an opinion among them Make clubs for further talks with the Bonn authorities.

But that did not happen after a request to speak from Frankfurt boss Axel Hellmann, who advised to forego a controversial discussion, also because of the external presentation, but to let the presidium do its work. DFL boss Christian Seifert and Co. do not want to submit a specific proposal to the cartel office, but rather work together to work out a legally compliant solution.



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