Beaten in Mantua, two young people in intensive care. ‘An ambush’

(ANSA) – MANTOVA, 03 JUL – The two young people who were victims of a beating, in the night between Thursday and yesterday, are hospitalized in very serious conditions, in the resuscitation ward of the Carlo Poma hospital, in the square of a shopping center near the Mantua. Pier Francesco Ferrari, 35, resident in a municipality on the outskirts of the city and the 23-year-old Atilio Ndrekai, also resident in the hinterland, were the object of what seems to be a real ambush. The young Albanian would be in danger of life, while for the Italian there would be some more hope even in a clinical picture of extreme gravity. The carabinieri who are investigating are limited to this, hiding behind the utmost reserve regarding the dynamics, methods and reasons for the ambush which appears, however, to be a settling of scores. The military is said to be checking the video footage from the mall’s cameras, even if the ambush took place in a secluded area of ​​the square, difficult for the electronic eye to monitor. The two, according to a first version of the incident, would have been invited to an appointment by a phone call received while they were in a bar. Once they reached the square of the shopping center, which is a few kilometers from their homes, the two would have found themselves in front of four to five people who attacked them with baseball bats (one was found not far from the place of the aggression) and reduced to death. The magistrate has opened a file against unknown persons with attempted murder as a crime hypothesis. (HANDLE).


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