Beach tennis, skaters, trouble: big theater on the street | Regional

Hannover – The mayor happily plays beach tennis at the Marktkirche. Passers-by are amazed at the strange zigzag lines in Schmiedestrasse. And drivers swear at the Raschplatzhochbrücke.

Mayor Belit Onay (Greens) opened the 1st experimental room on Monday. Instead of traffic, there is sport and wellness oases, cherry trees, yoga courses, climbing frames. And art that nobody understands! Broad yellow lines on sidewalks that are indistinguishable from the real ones on the street.

Closure due to stage construction: long backlogs on Raschplatzhochstrasse

Photo: Marcus Prell

What is that supposed to mean? OB Onay first had to ask a city official. Drivers, on the other hand, don’t ask any more. You drive into Schmiedestrasse, which has been converted into a pedestrian zone, over solid lines, turn off despite the prohibition.

Danger moments every minute for pedestrians, cyclists, motorists – zero understanding for Onay’s experiments, even among employees of the regulatory office: “Nobody still knows what is allowed and what is forbidden.”

The Schmiedestrasse is very close from today. Blocking continues also on the Raschplatzhochstraße. The stage structure for the Theaterformen festival is growing from July 8th – and every day the frustration with traffic jams and chaos.



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