Basketball Recital in Hakkari… – Murat Taş

Due to the Cocid-19 epidemic, which affected the whole world, sports activities were suspended in our province, as in every province.

With the epidemic being brought under control and life gradually returning to normal, Hakkari started its sports activities slowly.

Within the scope of the 2nd Sports festivals organized by Hakkari Municipality Culture and Social Affairs Directorate and Hakkari Provincial Directorate of Youth and Sports, Inter-Corporate Basketball, Volleyball and Table tennis competitions were organized to meet the two-year longings of sports fans in Hakkari.

The Basketball leg of the Inter-Corporate sports competitions, where each branch is fought with great enthusiasm and contention, concluded with the magnificent final.

The team of the National Education Directorate, which won the match between Hakkari National Education Directorate and Hakkari Provincial Police Department, which reached the finals in the basketball tournament, in which 8 Institution teams and 96 Institution personnel participated, with a score of 68-53, became the champion of the tournament.

The match, watched by Hakkari Governor İdris Akbıyık and accompanying Institution chiefs, Institution personnel and sports fans in Hakkari, was one of the most beautiful matches of recent years.

In line with the measures taken due to the epidemic, the final match gave Hakkari sports fans a great basketball experience.

In addition to the performances of our teams from both institutions in the hall, the competition, which was held within the framework of friendship, brotherhood and Fair-Play rules, seems to remain in the memory of sports fans from Hakkari for a long time.

The match was so exciting that it was as if I suddenly saw myself in an NBA game.

Players from both teams fought hard to win the match.

National Education Institution Team Captain Erol Hanlıgil, who devoted his years to sports and basketball and was selected as the sportsman of the year by the Basketball Federation in previous years, had a great share in the team’s victory with his three-pointers.

The best move of the match was the incredible three-pointer that the captain of the National Education Institution Team, Erol Hanlıgil, scored in the last second of the first half. In a word, it was magnificent.

All of them performed well in the National Education Institution Team.

While Salih, Ertuğrul, Emin and Seyithan were the players who supported their teams, Rızgar, Cengiz, Abdullah and Nursel provided the necessary support for their teams when they got a chance.

Hakkari Provincial Police Institution Team showed a good example of struggle as the champion team.

Mehmet Salman and Mustafa Kasap, who were the top scorers of the team and the match, received great admiration and applause from the audience with their great performances.

The Police Department team fought very well to win the match.

In my opinion, both teams deserved the championship until the end.

I heartily congratulate both teams for giving us the opportunity to watch this beautiful match.

I also congratulate all our teams participating in the tournament for their participation.

This kind of sports activities should continue in our city. The people of Hakkari and sports fans are hungry for such activities, the content of these and similar activities should be enriched and supported, and the Sports Unit within the Municipality should be supported.

Endless thanks to our Provincial Governor and Mayor, Mr. İdris Akbıyık and everyone who contributed to the tournament.

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