Basketball / National 1. Golbey-Epinal: Maxime Hmaé joins ASGE

With its reputation as a springboard club, ASGE generally attracts “prospects”, those potentials on which bets are made. Like Valdimir Ilic and Mohammad Diop last season. Youth has never been so marked in a workforce built by Laurent Mathis than during this offseason. Melvyn Govindy is 23 years old, Djibril Marico 22 years old, Tom Dary-Sagnes 20 years old, Mahes Montout, 21 years old, Ludovic Martel 21 years old in August, and Pierre Brun is a former top of his… 25 years old.

“Loïc Gigant (31 years old in August) will look like a grandpa,” says Laurent Mathis about his captain. The 7th recruit (which brings the workforce under contract to ten elements) is called Maxime Hmaé and is no exception to the rule (20 years). He also ticks the box back from injury, like his future teammate Djibril Marico.

Professional in Pro B at 19 years old

Having come to Souffelweyersheim last season to sign his first pro contract and take on a rotating role in Pro B as a winger, his experience started badly. With a serious injury in September 2020 (rupture of the ligaments in the right knee) during a friendly match against Gries.

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GIS hopes

After his debut at Menora Strasbourg (he also tasted karate), then in minimal France in Gries, this post 3 quickly aroused the curiosity of SIG Strasbourg. At 15, the winger was already lined up in hopes (8.9 points, 4.5 rebounds in 25 ‘in 2019/2020). He could have remained in hopes for two more years, but Maxime Hmaé made the choice to switch to the professional world.

Direction Souffelweyersheim and Pro B therefore. Unfortunately, this initiatory process came up against this serious knee injury. Operation, rehabilitation in Capbreton, return to the floors in the spring, the ASGE rookie benefited from the lengthening of the Pro B season to show himself (13 games, 2.3 points, 1.3 rebound, 1 assist in 9.5 ‘). He is hungry for the ball and ASGE will give him playing time to express the qualities that are attributed to him.


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