Alexis Mac Allister’s post after elimination in Tokyo 2020: “Hard hit” and “fight”

The Brighton midfielder wrote a line on his social networks a few days after the U23 could not access the quarterfinals at the Olympic Games. “Unfortunately, the results that we all wanted were not achieved,” he said.

Two days after the harsh shock suffered by the Argentina Selection football to meet eliminated from the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, one of the team figures, Alexis Mac Allister, dedicated a post on their social networks in which he manifests his “row” why “the results were not given”. Likewise, he also highlighted the experience of having participated in the Olympic event.

It is that after the defeat against Australia (2-0) on the first day, the subsequent victory against Egypt (1-0) and the draw in the last match with Spain (1-1), the combined Sub 23 by Fernando Batista stayed third in the zone and failed to qualify for the quarterfinals, so he quickly said goodbye to Tokyo.

On your Instagram account, Mac Allister analyzed the passage of the Argentine National Team through the Olympic Games, ensuring thatfootball gave us a blow” and now “it’s time to self-criticize”. In addition, he thanked the support of the people at a distance.

Alexis Mac Allister

Mac Allister’s full message after Argentina’s elimination in Tokyo 2020

Football gave us one of those blows that are difficult to digest. Unfortunately, the results we all wanted were not achieved and it was annoying because we made a great effort to be able to arrive in the best way possible.

It’s time to do self-criticism and I have no doubts that this will make us stronger as players, people and a group.

It was spectacular to be able to have lived an Olympic Game and to verify that everything that is spoken is real.

I want to thank everyone who got up early and accompanied us from a distance, especially my family, girlfriend and friends who are always in these moments “.


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