Abolition of hunting: the collection of signatures is open

The collection of signatures for the referendum to request the abolition of hunting on Italian territory began on Thursday 1 July. The initiative is organized by the referendum committee “Yes, let’s abolish hunting”. “Hunting is a violent, bloody, bloody activity – reads the press release -. It also causes enormous environmental damage due to the millions of lead shots and cartridges that are abandoned on the ground by hunters and pollute the countryside and aquifers; it is responsible for a waste of tens of millions of euros of public money for the restocking of wild animals; at the end of the hunting season, in February there is a large abandonment of dogs used by hunters, as recorded by the Regions. The same sports federations of shooting (fly, rifle, pistol, bow, crossbow) refuse the presence and participation of hunters or even people who have killed only one animal ”.

There are many Italians against hunting and last year, the animal welfare associations underline, the 2020-2021 hunting season (ended last January 30) ended with 14 dead and 48 injured. The referendum for the abolition of hunting requires a collection of 500,000 signatures. From 1 July until the end of September it will be possible to join the cause. To do this, just go to the electoral office of your municipality or to the authorized banquets in the city. No financial contribution is required.

Abolition of hunting, the information campaign

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