A1 series basketball, for Magnolia Campobasso great attention for the young Quiñonez, Šrot and Del Sole

A successful first team always comes from attention to the nursery. An unwritten law in the world of sport that, at home La Molisana Magnolia Campobasso, is well known and, since the start of the #fiorid Acciaio project, kept under careful consideration by the club that has created a real ‘guesthouse’ to bring talents to the region and give life to a path of growth (basketball, but also human) able to make them people and at the same time athletes with ever greater skills on the court.

ABSOLUTE REFERENCES Among the youngest of the lot and with very large improvements – so much so as to predict a future as a possible big name in the world – is the not yet fifteen-year-old Ecuadorian Blanca Quiñonez.

Returning to the last season, for the South American talent “we experienced a tough and certainly particular tournament, but as a group we were able to keep the right attention and, on a personal level, I learned many aspects in every match”.

Then, entering the perspective of 2021/22, he adds: “The intent does not change, that is, I want to always be able to give my best, gain experience and grow”.

DEFENSIVE MODE Another extra-national perspective within the Rossoblu staff is that linked to the Slovenian winger Zala Šrot.

«I really enjoyed playing in Campobasso – explains the Balkan talentand I believe in Molise that I have improved my defensive qualities. What is my ambition for the coming season? Try to give even more and better on the pitch and spend myself fully for the team ».

THOUGHTS THERMAL Capable of making her debut in A1 with lots of two points scored, the Termolese playmaker daughter of art Laura Del Sole evaluates, instead, the 2020/21 vintage as «A great novelty, because it has allowed me to grow in terms of experience in comparison with athletes with many championships behind them. Covid-19 has made the prospects less clear-cut, but there was no lack of stimuli and I think I have grown in autonomy and motivation, as well as from a technical point of view ».

On the next season, however, we are at the base “Desire and motivation to improve day after day, thanks to hard work during training and taking a cue from the example of my better and more experienced companions”.


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