[방송]’Radio Show’ Park Myung-soo “Celebrity is my heaven-given vocation”

Park Myung-soo drew attention by revealing that being a celebrity is his vocation given by the sky.

On the 11th, KBS Cool FM’s ‘Park Myung-soo’s Radio Show’ was decorated as a time to introduce the listeners’ stories.

To the story of a listener who said that he plays badminton with his father every weekend and that Park Myung-su and his daughter Min-seo do sports as a hobby, Park Myung-soo said, “I don’t have much time to share my hobbies with my daughter. A child studies as a child, and I feel that I should make time to work with them even in busy and busy times. I will definitely try it once.”

In addition, to the praise of the listener that he is a born celebrity, he said, “Thank you. I have nothing but this job. This is my heaven-given vocation. I hate to even think about it if it wasn’t for this job. I love you all,” he said.

In the story of a listener who said that walking commuting to work by walking is a donation to caring for abandoned dogs, he said, “Looking around these days, there are surprisingly many things that can be helpful and donate to me as well. I can do good things if I am just a little diligent, so I hope you get health and enjoy a sense of mental well-being. A warm round of applause,” he added.

Reporter Ha Soo-na [email protected] / Photo = ‘Park Myung-soo’s Radio Show’ SNS

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