Who killed Carl Hennebert in Casteau in 2014? The mystery remains, the police launch a new wanted notice

More than 7 years after the case, the investigating judge of Mons is relaunching a search notice. On Wednesday March 5, 2014, in Casteau, the lifeless body of Carl Hennerbert, 48, was found in his home located rue de Lens. After expert analyzes, the victim seems to have died five days earlier, on Friday February 28, 2014 between 7:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.

The victim was assaulted in his home, where he was shot in the leg for the first time before being stabbed several times. He was eventually killed with a bullet in the back of his neck. His or his murderers locked him in a room upstairs, where he was found a few days later.

According to police information, the man was suspicious and would not open the front door to anyone. Yet that day, he opened his door to one or more people. The police do not exclude the thesis of revenge.

As a reminder, Carl Hennebert was fiscal controller at the Louvière Ministry of Finance. “His private life was occupied with many activities“, inform the police.”He was involved in political life as a municipal councilor in Casteau. He was also president of the Soignies Judo Club and heavily invested in the de facto association ‘Festive Horrors’ which aims to preserve and promote the village’s heritage.“The victim was single and had multiple partners.

Seven years later, investigators are looking for anyone who may have information about this homicide that occurred on February 28, 2014. “Was he killed by a man? By a woman? By several people? What is the motive for the murder?“, ask the investigators. If you have any information, you should contact the free number 0800/30 300. Discretion is guaranteed.


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