UniTre, Casa del Giovane and Anffas are at risk of eviction


The 12 city associations include a potential audience of 5 thousand among members and users of the activities. A number that, added to the history of the subjects and the interventions implemented, provides a picture of their recognition in the social fabric, simply even thinking about the location of the offices. Via Lomonaco goes hand in hand with the Casa del Giovane, for example, as does the Casa degli Eustachi (in via Porta Pertusi) with the Unitre and the three offices in via Mussini, via Maggi and via Spallanzani with Anffas. The same can be said for the La Scala Judo Club, the Logudoro club in via Santo Spirito and the provincial Arci (4 thousand members) in via Allende al Vallone. We are talking about Third Sector associations that operate in the field of culture, disability, young people and solidarity. Fundamental subjects, even more in recent months, to withstand the economic impact caused by the pandemic. An example? The non-profit organization “Aiutiamoci – Il sole” is committed to supporting and helping mental illness and specifically the transport / accompaniment of disabled or elderly people; or the Arké social cooperative which finds work in a situation protected for vulnerable people. Some are really “historical” associations. Just think of Anffas, which since 1965 has been promoting awareness-raising, culture, promotion and defense of the rights of people with intellectual-relational disabilities; it has 180 members, manages three social health communities accredited and contracted by the Lombardy Region that host 28 people with disabilities and employ about 30 operators. As mentioned, however, the pandemic was a severe blow to the associations which in some cases had to close their doors and see the number of members reduced. That of Unitre (the University of the Third Age) is an emblematic case: compared to the 1800 enrolled pre Covid, there are now 600. An issue that inevitably opens the chapter on the cost of the annual fee, which for some is now difficult to bear. The figures vary according to the location and size of the property: the Casa del Giovane, for example, pays 79 thousand euros a year, while the Unitre 47 thousand, up to 3 thousand from the Acat association. According to the current rents of the 12 buildings occupied, the Municipality would collect about 624 thousand euros in 9 years: a figure calculated on the reduction of the 80% rent for Third Sector associations. In any case, new dealers will be required to immediately pay a deposit of 10% on the gross price of the annual fee. –



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