UEFA threatens to move European Championship final from London to Budapest | European Football Championship (11 June to 11 July)

There is currently a lot of debate in England about easing the quarantine rules. In Britain, visiting fans now have to quarantine for ten days if they come from an ‘orange area’. The British government seems to be sticking to this for the time being, causing UEFA to doubt the suitability of London as a final city.

Earlier, Wembley failed to organize the Champions League final. That match initially took place in Istanbul, but UEFA decided to move the final battle to another country due to the corona situation in Turkey. Wembley was a top favorite for a long time, mainly due to the presence of the English clubs Chelsea and Manchester City. Because 2,500 UEFA guests had to be quarantined after a visit to England, Lisbon was ultimately chosen.

UEFA is currently thinking of finishing the semi-finals and final of the European Championship in the Hungarian Puskás Arena. More than 60,000 fans were welcome during the Hungary-Portugal match. In Hungary, the plan is to release all corona measures from next week. UEFA hopes to admit as many fans as possible during the denouement of the tournament. The semifinals are scheduled for July 6 and 7, while the final will be played on July 11.


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