Transfer Rumors – Pratama Arhan ogled by K-League 1 Club Shin Tae-yong once defended as a player and coach


Pratama Arhan appears to be warming up during the Indonesian national team practice at the Madya Stadium, Senayan, Jakarta, May 11, 2021.



BOLASPORT.COM – The Indonesian national team’s left-back, Pratama Arhan, is reportedly interested in one of the K-League 1 clubs, Seongnam FC.

This news appeared on Friday (18/6/2021), from the Twitter account @Clvis91.

“Arhan is rumored to be interested in K-League 1 team, Seongnam FC who are looking for a new left-back option,” he wrote.

“He made his debut in the Indonesian national team last May 2021.”

“PSIS and Seongnam have not reached an agreement and the transfer cannot be confirmed,” he added.

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Other news coming from the Kor-Asean Soccer Youtube channel also stated the same thing.

“Recently there are rumors that Primary Arhan may be leaving for Seongnam FC,” he said.

“Although I’m not sure if these rumors are to be believed or not, they are very interesting,” he added.



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