Tour organization files complaint against woman with sign who …

The spectator who caused a heavy crash in Saint-Cadou in the opening stage of the Tour de France is not going to get away with it. Organizer ASO files a complaint against unknown persons. The woman with the ‘Allez Opi-Omi’ sign is therefore in any case left with a nightmare from this incident, in which the German Jasha Sütterlin of Team DSM had to leave the Tour. The lady is missing.

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Tour boss Christian Prudhomme confirmed to Ouest-France that it is probably a German woman, but that she fled immediately after the incident. She is currently missing, but is being tracked down.

The woman was standing on the side of the road, 45 kilometers from the end, but came partly to the track with a cardboard sign that read ‘Allez Opi-Omi’. The spectator kept looking at the cameras, not at the onrushing peloton. The German Tony Martin (Jumbo-Visma) was unable to avoid the sign and fell. After that, Roglic and Van Aert, among others, also fell, as did dozens of other riders. Peter Sagan and Julian Alaphilippe, who eventually won the stage, also fell to the ground.



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