Tortillas thrown at Latino basketball team in US championship game

Coronado.— A San Diego area school district, USA, apologized for an incident in which they threw tortillas at a basketball team from a high school whose student body is mostly Latino at the end of a championship game.

The tortillas were thrown at Orange Glen High School players after they lost a close game Saturday against a team made up of mostly white players from Coronado High School, the newspaper reported. The San Diego Union-Tribune. According to a video posted on social media, at least two Coronado High School players threw tortillas.

“The regents of the Coronado Unified School District recognize that these acts are heinous, degrading and disrespectful,” the school board noted in a letter sent to Orange Glen. The regents said they condemned “the racism, classism and the colorism that motivated the actions of the perpetrators ”.

Coronado Superintendent Karl Mueller called the incident “disgusting” and averaged “swift action” and accountability.

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The newspaper reported that the tortilla toss started when coaches from both teams were arguing after Coronado won 60-57 in overtime on their court.

Orange Glen coach Chris Featherly said his Coronado counterpart JD Laaperi made disrespectful comments towards him and his players, and Featherly confronted him.

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Laaperi told the Union-Tribune via phone Sunday that school district authorities asked him not to comment on the matter, but he posted a tweet on Saturday night.

“Unfortunately, a community member brought tortillas and distributed them, which is unacceptable and racist in nature,” he wrote. “I do not condone this behavior. Coronado High School does not condone this behavior and is already taking appropriate action. ”

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The Coronado Police Department, which was called in to help empty the gym after the encounter, indicated that the man who had brought the tortillas to the game had been identified and that an investigation will be opened in this regard.




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