there are Toloi, Sensi, Cristante and Raspadori. Outside Mancini, Pessina and Politano-

The coach of the national football team, Roberto Mancini, has communicated the final list of the 26 called up for the European football championships. Mancini, Pessina and Politano were excluded from the list of 28 presented last Sunday. In defense there fool, a surprise midfield both Sensi and Cristante, while in attack he is recalled Breakers.

The Azzurri will play the opening match of the competition on 11 June, against Turkey. On June 4th there will be the last friendly match against the Czech Republic.

Il Corriere has created a special on the European 2021 with matches, teams, protagonists and results in real time: you can find it here

The squad of Italy for Euro 2021

Donnarumma, Meret, Sirigu;

Acerbi, Bastoni, Bonucci, Chiellini, Di Lorenzo, Florenzi, Palmieri, Spinazzola, Toloi;

Barella, Cristante, Jorginho, Locatelli, Pellegrini, Sensi, Verratti;

Belotti, Berardi, Bernardeschi, Church, Immobile, Insigne, Raspadori.

Europeans 2021: all the insights

A very painful list. Roberto Mancini has revealed the names of the twenty-six that they will play the European Championship only at the last moment. UEFA had given time until midnight on Tuesday and the Azzurri coach, unlike his fellow coaches, he even overstepped by a few minutes. A record in reverse. Tormented and indecisive, the coach The worst time has confessed several times in recent days. On Tuesday, after the afternoon training, the first one inside the technical center of Coverciano, the blue fort, listened to Professor Ferretti’s opinion on the conditions of the injured and after dinner gathered the extended staff in conclave. Oriali and Vialli for the latest decisions. And there was no shortage of surprises.

If the friendly match against San Marino had turned into a sentence for Moise Kean, the Under 21 match between Italy and Portugal convinced Mancini to call up Giacomo Raspadori, which had even left the list of twenty-eight. The Sassuolo striker, who did not put together even a minute in the national team, liked the Italian coach even if, unlike Cutrone and Scamacca, he did not score. If Italy had qualified for the semifinals, Mancio would have left him to Nicolato. So instead he decided to include him in the group at the expense of Politano, just passed two days earlier. It seems that Bernardeschi also entered the last-minute ballots. But excluding the Juventus player, after having included him in the list on Friday, would have been complicated. So to make way for the third striker after Immobile and Belotti, pays the wing of Napoli, one of the best in the group.

There were two others ballots to solve. The first of a technical nature between the defenders Toloi and Gianluca Mancini and, as predicted, the Brazilian from Atalanta who is more flexible. The second of a physical nature, linked to conditions of Sensi. In the end the coach decided to bring the Inter but not to the detriment of Cristante, but to the incursor Pessina, protagonist of an extraordinary season with Atalanta. Pessina, after the double in San Marino, seemed sure of the place. Instead it was cut. It is easy to imagine his disappointment as that of Politano.

For Mancio, Sensi the only credible alternative to the owner Jorginho. IS so he risked. A reasoned risk: on Tuesday morning the instrumental tests comforted the coach. The adductor elongation of the right thigh disappeared and the Inter player worked on the pitch with his teammates. As expected, Verratti was confirmed in the group, that the 2016 European Championship had missed him due to injury and this faces him at half service. The knee problem is being resolved, but the PSG midfielder will have to stay out for another 15 days e will miss both the debut on 11 June against Turkey and the second match against Switzerland. And since Sensi is at risk of relapses, the coach has decided to keep Cristante. The list made, the torments over. Now the group can focus on the European.

June 2, 2021 (change June 2, 2021 | 00:59)



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