The PP denounces the “chaos” in the distribution of soccer fields in the capital

The president of the popular in the City Hall of Huelva, Pilar Marín, has held several meetings with representatives of the football clubs of the city of Huelva “before the lack of coordination in the use of municipal sports facilities“.

The popular has regretted that “the confrontation between clubs is reached due to the passivity of the Cruz government, which is unable to set criteria for the distribution of schedules that satisfy everyone.” Hence, they have urged the mayor to “bring order to the chaos and confrontation between clubs in the capital due to their inaction and disinterest.”

As Pilar Marín has pointed out “the clubs do not agree, we see how time passes and a solution to this problem that can be easily solved is not found if criteria for the distribution of reasonable schedules are set”. Therefore, continues the popular Marín, “we ask the mayor to face the situation and name a valid and responsible person to put order in the use of municipal sports facilities that belong to all with equality criteria.”

The popular ones want to express their “concern” because there are currently 12 federated soccer teams and only three municipal artificial grass fields (Los Rosales, Pérez Cubillas and soon El Torrejón), as well as three other private artificial grass fields such as the City Deportiva, El Saladillo and soon La Américas. Next to these facilities there are albero soccer fields in private schools such as Maristas, Funcadia, Salesianos and Seminario, as well as the Cristo Pobre tracks (Hospital Costa de la Luz) and the municipal field of Marismas del Odiel or las Colonias.

For the Popular Party, this situation is due to the fact that “the person most responsible for solving this situation, the Government of Cruz, does not do its job to avoid situations of abuse in training hours and matches.” In this sense, the popular people ask the mayor to mediate the situation, and “to appoint a responsible person to coordinate and make an equitable distribution of the fields and the hours in which each club can both train and play league matches. under equity criteria.

“Whenever there are problems, Mayor Cruz’s solution is the same, hide and avoid facing problems and avoid clashes between clubs. “The situation is deteriorating because there are many clubs that, given the difficulty of playing in the capital, have to move to fields in the province, something that should not be allowed and that is causing the exodus of many clubs and players to others. teams from outside the capital, when what we must is to promote sport within Huelva¨.


The popular has advanced that the Municipal Group of the Popular Party is working with different agents, and people related to sports in Huelva Capital, to draw the lines of a strategic plan for sports in Huelva, based on three blocks. The first, based on the socialization of sport through the construction of new sports centers in the eight districts of the city, so that the practice of sports activities reaches all neighborhoods. The second block focuses on supporting and promoting grassroots sports because the construction of new sports courts and new covered pavilions is of no use if the City Council does not launch sports training and stimulation programs in which Huelva’s youth participate. Finally, a third block that was based on the promotion of the city through sports with examples such as Recreational, basketball, badminton or athletics.

“Sport is one of the best channels to promote Huelva abroad, so we must work from the base and create a sports structure at the level of the sport that takes place in Huelva.” Hence the need to launch “a grassroots sports sponsorship plan with municipal tax incentives to favor the arrival of financial means and aid to neighborhood sports activities”, he concluded.


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