The overwhelming praise of a legendary NBA coach to Facundo Campazzo after his first season at the Nuggets

Facundo Campazzo, in the preview of his last game for the NBA playoffs (EFE / George Frey / Archive)

Facundo Campazzo broke all prejudices in his first season on the NBA. The 30-year-old point guard ended up becoming a starter in the Denver Nuggets, who reached the semifinals of the Western Conference, where they lost to the Phoenix Suns (0-4), who had just eliminated the defending champions Los Angeles Lakers.

Well, while he changes the chip to focus on the Argentine team and its preparation for the Tokyo Olympics, the point guard continues to garner praise from sources of the highest level.

Yesterday, Facundo wrote an emotional message to close his first cycle in the most competitive basketball league in the world. A longer one, on his Instagram account, and a shorter one, on Twitter: “My first NBA season is over. Thanks to all those who made the stop so many nights in Argentina. I can’t wait for the next season to start! ”.

The one who embedded his text, shared it and appended a powerful compliment on said social network was George Karl, legendary American basketball coach. “You played with the heart of a lion and made Argentina and Real Madrid proud. Nice job!”, I dedicate. His tweet garnered more than 2300 likes … Including, of course, Campazzo’s.

Who is Karl? As indicated by his bio on Twitter, directed neither more nor less than 1999 NBA games. Before he was a player, emerged from the University of North Carolina, chosen in the Draft by the New York Knicks, but with continuity in the San Antonio Spurs.

As a coach he went through Real Madrid, like Campazzo, who became a European basketball figure at Merengue before trying out in the United States. He is in 6th place among the coaches with the most victories in the NBA, with 1,131. He was chosen as the best coach of the year in the 2012/2013 season. One of the peaks of his career on the bench occurred with Seattle Supersonics, whom he led for 7 seasons, reaching the NBA Finals in 1996, where he lost to Michael Jordan’s Chicago Bulls in six games.

The curriculum serves to understand the stature of the praise received by Campazzo. In his first year in the NBA, Facundo played 66 games, started 20, and averaged 21.9 minutes, 6.1 points, 3.6 assists, 1.2 steals and 1.7 rebounds. Not bad for a rookie who was observed out of the corner of his eye because of his size (178 centimeters). In addition, he had tough duels with great figures, such as Stephen Curry, Damian Lillard or Chris Paul. It was baptized as “La Peste”, due to its intensity when marking. And the NBA world, with renowned characters like Karl, take their hats off to the Argentine base, who promises that his show in the league has just begun.


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