The Lone Ranger finalizes the new general manager Cuban: the team will have a bright future_Harrison

Original title: Lone Ranger finalizes new general manager Cuban: the team will have a bright future

On June 26, Beijing time, a report from the famous reporter of “The Athletic” Samas Chalanya said that informed sources revealed that former Nike executive Nick Harrison will become the new general manager of the Mavericks team. Responsible for team basketball operations.

“New York Times” reporter Mark Stein followed up with the report. He got the news that Harrison and the new Mavericks coach Jason Kidd will take office next week.

After being eliminated by the Clippers with a total score of 3-4 in the first round of this year’s playoffs, the Mavericks management changed drastically. First, Donny Nelson stepped down as Mavericks general manager and president of basketball operations, and then Rick Carlisle announced No longer serves as the coach of the Mavericks team.

According to sources, Harrison has a very good relationship with many NBA players, including Luka Doncic. He has also been invited by many teams before. This time after throwing an olive branch on the Mavericks team, Harrison chose to accept a new challenge.

Mark Cuban, owner of the Mavericks team, said in an interview: “I’m really very excited. Both of them (Harrison and Kidd) are incredible people. They have experience, knowledge, passion and love for the game. Will lead us to a very bright future.”

“Trust me, no one wants to help Doncic more than I do,” Cuban continued, “What we need is a real problem, we need a second scorer.”

Cuban’s remarks indicate that the Mavericks are very likely to put Kristaps Porzingis on the shelves during the offseason.Return to Sohu to see more


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