the jugs were captured using foreign substances to counteract the 10-day suspension

In an effort to curb the widespread use of punch-enhancing substances by shooters, Major League Baseball is expected to announce Tuesday that players caught using any foreign substance will face a 10-day suspension, according to ESPN’s Jeff Bassan.

Bassan added that he believes that implementation of the new policy in the main disciplines will be fully effective on 21 June.

It is suspected that the use of materials, from a homemade blend of sunscreen and resin to Spider Tack, a type of synthetic glue that some pitchers used to generate more spin on the ball, has increased in recent seasons to increase hit rates. spin on fast balls and make it harder to hit the courts.

Under the new policy, a referee who induces a player to use one of these substances will be subject to a penalty.

Last week, New York Yankees player Gerrit Cole’s lack of response when asked if he used adhesives reinvigorated the talk about shooters’ use of the material, sparking a wide debate on how best to proceed for the baseball.

“Don’t spot the guys,” Toronto Blue Jays manager Charlie Montoyo said recently. “A rule for everyone, everything is fine. We have to follow the rules and (once) this is the rule for everyone, everything is fine. As long as we don’t find the men, I’m fine with them ”.

In the minor leagues, at least four pitchers have already been suspended this season after being caught using banned substances for doctors’ baseball.

The last time a Major League player was suspended for a foreign substance was more than six years ago and no players have been suspended or fined for illegal substance use so far this season.

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