The giants’ hunger for success in Ludwigsburg has not yet been satisfied

May 18, 2021, 4:41 p.m.

Basketball The playoff series against Bamberg begins on Wednesday evening for Ludwigsburg – the second meeting is on Friday.

Yorman Polas Bartolo has so far been convincing in the jersey of the Ludwigsburg giants. The strong defender is also good for a few baskets per game.

Photo: Marc Schmerbeck

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Yorman Polas Bartolo has so far been convincing in the jersey of the Ludwigsburg giants. The strong defender is also good for a few baskets per game.

Photo: Marc Schmerbeck

John Patrick couldn’t and didn’t want to hide his good mood. Why also. The trainer of the MHP Riesen Ludwigsburg presented himself with a big grin at an online press conference on Monday afternoon. There is enough reason for this in a BBL record season of the giants. The earliest playoff qualification in the club’s history was followed by the longest winning streak, followed by the best record with the most successes in the main round. There were 30 in number – in 34 games. At home, the front runner remained unbeaten.

“We have good team chemistry”

“We had a fantastic main round. There are several reasons for this. We have good team chemistry and a high level of veteran presence. Also in training. That helped everyone,” said the coach before the start of the playoffs. On Wednesday evening at 7 p.m. (Magentasport / Sport1) the best-of-five series against Brose Bamberg starts in the MHP Arena. Back at home, game two will be played on Friday. “Now the real season begins,” says the coach. “We’re hot. These are playoffs.”

Symbol for the team

John Patrick is certainly a symbol for the whole team. “We said every day in training that we want to be a bit better today than yesterday,” says Patrick. And the hunger for success is still there even after a week and a half break. Or even grown. “We have now waited nine or ten days before we can play the playoffs,” says Patrick. “And there is always stress with this Covid pandemic because we know that only a positive test can destroy everything. That is why we are all nervous but disciplined. We go from home to training in the arena and back again. Much more we don’t do it. ” The keyword is risk minimization.

Don’t take unnecessary risks

Because the rule is clear: if a whole team is quarantined, their games scheduled during this time will be counted as lost. And nobody wants that. Even if the Ludwigsburgs were first after the main round, the favorites for the German championship title are Bayern Munich and Alba Berlin. Both faced each other last weekend in the cup final, which Munich won. But both have more than 70 season games in their bones. That’s why Patrick says: “Fresh healthy teams will win. But we don’t know who is fresh and healthy.” His team is looking good again in terms of health. Oscar da Silva and Jonas Wohlfarth-Bottermann did without the last main round game because they were slightly beaten. Before that, Barry Brown was slightly injured on the bench against Alba Berlin after a few minutes so as not to risk anything. “Otherwise it looks good,” says Patrick. But he also makes it clear before the duel with the table eighth Bamberg that he does not see his team as the favorites.

Dangerous opponents

“They are dangerous opponents. They also played internationally and were a bit tired. Now they will be fresh,” says Patrick. “They have four national players, plus experienced Eurocup players. There are always a few teenagers on the field here. It will be a new experience for many of our players. I hope that they cover up the nervousness with a lot of energy. If we can show our enthusiasm put on the field, we have a chance in every game. ” He did not mention his experienced players such as Wohlfarth-Bottermann, Yorman Polas Bartolo, Jamel McLean or Tremmell Darden, who always set accents in the main round when it was necessary. Not to forget Jaleen Smith, who is considered one of the most promising candidates for the most valuable player of the season.

Guest coach Johan Roijakkers warns: “We know what we have to do. They get a lot of offensive rebounds, force a lot of ball losses and have few themselves. In the end they have more throws than their opponents and so win the games. We have to try to turn that around force yourself to lose the ball and control the rebound. “


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