The Council is putting out to tender the taking of photographs and videos of all its municipal events

The Oleiros City Council has contracted a photography and video service to record all municipal events for a price of 47,300 euros and a period of one year. The contract provides for a cost of 125 euros per hour (without VAT) of work.

Among the events organized by the City Council that require this photography and video recording service are the end-of-year festivals of the municipal schools of theater, dance and music, in addition to the meeting of choirs and the traditional foliada, the festival of bands of music, the Feira do Mel, gymnastics, skating, triathlon, judo or gymnastics trophies, in addition to the popular Merendiñas.

The tender also foresees the realization of the images of the Entroido or Alfaroleiros, as well as the snapshots for the official website, illustrate the municipal publication Vivir en Oleiros, make the municipal calendar that is sent at Christmas to the houses, and also the own municipal plenary sessions.



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