The athletes of the Judo Club Sakura Arma di Taggia participate in online ju-jitsu competitions



Taggia. The Judo Club Sakura Arma di Taggia participated in the gare online di ju-jitsu.

«After many months of blocking the activity, ju-jitsu competitions have finally resumed, albeit carried out online. In these competitions, the clubs present videos, in which the participating athletes who perform the techniques required by the regulation are filmed, which are evaluated by an arbitration commission that judges the goodness of the execution of the techniques ” – explains the Judo Club Sakura Arma di Taggia, which on May 23 took part in the “1st Gianfranco D’Oca Memorial 2021”, competition in the specialty of the Sectors organized by ACSI, in which they took part seven athletes from the Club of Arma di Taggia: Benvenuto Maya, Benvenuto Noemi, Florio Luana, Pezzimenti Manuel, Razzani Andrea, Ronzitti Cristina and Secchi Diego. The execution of the techniques was judged very positively by the referees, so much so that the company was positioned at third place in the standings.

The federal national competition duo specialty organized by Fijlkam, carried out for the first time online due to the limitations imposed by the anti Covid-19 regulations. Also in this competition, the participating companies presented a video in which the couple in competition were shown performing in self-defense techniques aimed at a predetermined number of attacks. The couple formed by competed for the Arma di Taggia company Diego Secchi and Manuel Pezzimenti.

The technical teachers of the Ju Jitsu sector, Andrea Molinari and Manuela Ferrigno, are very satisfied with the enthusiasm shown by their athletes in resuming the activity, always according to the regulations in force for the period of the Covid-19 pandemic, and are continuing the preparation in view of other races that are scheduled for the coming months.


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