The Ascent to Santo Emiliano is back, the most traditional motor racing competition in the Basins

This weekend’s will be the 36th edition of the race. The engines will roar again on the slopes of Santo Emiliano. The maximum number of registrants was reached in just a few days, explained Sasi Pardeiro, president of the Langreo Motor Club. In fact, there are a dozen pilots in “reserve”, just in case one of those registered fails and cannot go to compete. The teams – one driver and three mechanics, at most – will occupy the parking lots of the art gallery, the well Fondón and the commissary, and the “closed park” will be in the parking lot of the Juan Carlos Beiro sports center. To be able to attend as a public, you must register by accessing the website of the Asturian Automobile Federation (FAPA), which will provide applicants with a QR code. This code will be essential to be able to enter the area where the race is held on Saturday and Sunday.

The Santo Emiliano highway will be closed to traffic on Saturday at 2:00 p.m., to proceed to the first free and official practice in the afternoon. Then, at around 6:30 p.m., the first round of the Official Race will begin. The 85 participants will be timed in the 5.2 kilometer route of the Ascent.

Already on Sunday, the road will close at 8:30 in the morning, and from 9:30 there will be training. The second round of official timing will be at 11 am, while the third and last one will begin at 1 pm. The awards ceremony, at around 2.30 pm, will take place at the very top of Santo Emiliano. Sasi Pardeiro showed his “maximum enthusiasm” for being able to organize the competition again, “we are almost as if it were the first time”. He also stressed that although participation has been limited, the quality of the drivers who come “is very high, because the best ones want to compete now.”

The entire organization of the Ascent to Santo Emiliano, as well as the participants and their teams, will comply with a strict “mandatory” health protocol.



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