Spencer Dinwiddie planned to be a free agent | NBA

Big absent from the season on the Nets side after partially ruining a knee ligament in December, Spencer Dinwiddie has planned to play his release clause, and to test the market this summer.

Holder of a last year of contract at 12.3 million dollars, the understudy of Kyrie Irving wants to take advantage of his rating to get a better salary with a contract over several seasons, and as ESPN specifies, it will be unprotected “free agent”.

Which means that the Nets will not be able to match an outside offer, and they could therefore lose it without any quid pro quo. Despite his serious injury, Spencer Dinwiddie therefore made a bet on himself, convinced that he could therefore find a better salary, but also a better situation.

In 2019/20, he had proven that he could start, turning 20.6 points on average. Today, the situation has changed since he has James Harden and Kyrie Irving in front of him, and above all he has not played for seven months.

Spencer DinwiddiePercentageRebounds


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